Simplify Contacts with Repeat Addresses

AddressBook Cleaner

AddressBook Cleaner is the best contacts duplicates remover on Mac OS X.

Simplify Contacts with Repeat Addresses

Importing contacts from other sources always generates lots of duplicated contacts and repeat fields. The most cases are contact with multiple repeat addresses.

AddressBook Cleaner has the ability to find out such contacts that matched conditions. This tutorial shows the steps to simplify such contacts:

  • Download and Install AddressBook Cleaner

    Download the installer package and extract DMG file, open and mount DMG file in file system.

  • Run AddressBook Cleaner

    Once finish installing AddressBook Cleaner, open and run it.

    Follow the app steps to load contacts from Apple Address Book.

  • Analyze Contacts

    Choose menu "Contacts" -> "Analyze" from top of the screen.

  • Matching Conditions for Simplify

    Choose matching conditions for finding matched contacts. Different combination of fields will get different results. "Strip white spaces" will ignore spaces and return characters within addresses

  • Delete Repeat Addresses

    Confirm the conditions, and go on to find contacts with duplicated addresses and phone numbers. Check fields to be delete and then click "Delete".