Downloading iCopyAssistant


Thank you for downloading iCopyAssistant

Your download is both the trial and the full version of iCopyAssistant. If you have purchased a license, enter your registration information to unlock the limited features.

Your download should begin in a few seconds. If it doesn't, click here.

(md5: 06d3ff4d1b70b1eb93b47a33bdca2fde)

Few quick steps for getting started:

  1. Wait for your downloading to complete.
  2. Double click on the downloaded .zip file if it does not open automatically.
  3. Drag the icon for "iCopyAssistant" on the left over to "Applications" on the right, and drop to finish installation.
  4. Then double-click to launch iCopyAssistant from your Applications folder.
  5. If you have already purchased iCopyAssistant, it's a good time to enter your registration code by choosing "Register..." from iCopyAssistant.
  6. Enter the license code from us exactly as they appear in the email you received(recommend copy and paste).