The best solution to backup & save iMessages to PDF file

iBackup Viewer

The tool to recover iPhone data and extract contacts, messages, calendars, recordings and photos from iOS backups created by iTunes or other applications.

The best solution to backup & save iMessages to PDF file

You may want to backup iMessages for various reasons. There are three formats to save iMessages with iBackup Viewer.

  • Formatted plain text file
  • Delimited CSV file
  • Rich content PDF file

PDF is the most popular and standard file format to present rich content documents, including well formatted text and images.

And, the most advantage of PDF file is maintaining the native style as of, including photo attachments, which makes PDF format the best option to backup iMessages of iPhone. With iBackup Viewer, you can easily export iMessages to PDF files from iPhone backups.

Here is a step by step tutorial to save iMessages to PDF:

  1. Download iBackup Viewer for Mac or Windows

  2. Launch iBackup Viewer after installation.

  3. Open the backup by clicking the backup icon.

    click to open backup

  4. Click on "Messages" icon to open messages

    open messages

  5. Enable options to Save photos in PDF in Preferences

  6. Save iMessage to PDF

    • Find the message threads with keyword, click the magnifier icon to filter
    • Choose "Current Thread to PDF " from the dropdown menu "Export" to save currently selected iMessage thread to PDF file
    • Choose "All Threads to PDF" from the dropdown menu "Export" to save filtered message conversations or all conversations to PDF files.


  7. Options for PDF output

    pdf options

  8. Advanced options for messages output

    • Set information about the output PDF file
    • Set password to protected the generated PDF file
    • Options of messages
    • Render background of output messages
    • Adjust sizes of message output

  9. Click "Save" and choose a folder to finish creating iMessage PDF file.